In Your Bag
CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICS OF; Savannah Morrow The Label, LLC.
1. Introduction
Dear fellow partners,
Savannah Morrow The Label, LLC (“SML”) is committed to establishing safe, respectful and ethical work conditions for its own workers, as well as those found throughout its retailers and suppliers. This Code of Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) for SML, sets forth the ethical and environmental policies and procedures that SML maintains for itself and that each of its retailers and suppliers. As a condition of doing business with SML, each supplier and retailer must agree to conduct its business in conformance with the Code.
Sustainability is a central challenge of the fashion industry and central to the purpose of SML. We at SML believe that we should do our best to ensure that our products are manufactured and sold in workplaces where human rights are respected and our environment is protected.
2. Overview
Under the Code, SML’s suppliers and retails certify that they will conduct business in compliance with the law, including, among other things, without child labour, without forced or compulsory labour, without corporal punishment, discrimination and in compliance with wage and hour requirements, health and safety, without animal testing and with an eye towards protecting the environment. We want to reduce negative environmental and social impacts by rethinking every stage of the design process, including concept, material, production choices, development, the use and end-of-life of a product with sustainability at the forefront in all areas of the manufacturing and retail process.
3. Human Rights and Labour
SML expects that its suppliers and retailers respect the rights of their employees and use their best efforts to comply with the relevant labour legislation and standards, for the countries in which they operate. In turn, SML holds itself to this same standard in order to afford all people the respect and dignity they deserve. SML encourages workers’ right to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
4. Forced Labour
SML does not itself use any forced labour of any kind, including but not limited to forced, bonded, indentured or prison labour. In addition, SML confirms that its retailers and suppliers represent they do not use any forced labour. SML expressly denounces human trafficking and any labour resulting therefrom. SML employees are employed of their own volition and are free to terminate their employment at any time with reasonable notice and SML expects that its retailers and suppliers have the same standards with their own employees and workers. have permission to leave the work place under reasonable circumstances, such as personal or family emergencies. Overtime has to be performed voluntarily. No labour should be demanded as a means of repayment for a loan. We do not under any circumstances support forced or bonded labour, trafficking or the exploitation of human beings in general. Trafficking and exploiting another human being for the purpose of monetary gain is not in alignment with the Savannah Morrow The Label ideals. We can only condemn such actions in every respect.
5. Child Labour
SML does not accept child labour, and we do our utmost to determine the correct age of the workers employed by SML. Moreover, SML confirms that its retailers and suppliers represent that they also verify their own employees and workers meet minimum age requirements for employment as set forth by applicable law.
6. Discrimination
SML does not discriminate against any employee or workers based on race, skin color, religion, political or sexual orientation, gender, national origin, social rank or status. SML expects the same of its suppliers and retailers and that said suppliers and retailers refrain from participating in any acts or practices that impairs equality opportunity or treatment in employment.
7. Working Hours
SML expects that its suppliers and retails comply with local laws relevant to work hours. In accordance with the ILO we do not require workers to exceed 48 hours of work per week on a regular basis and we encourage reducing work hours to 40 hours per week and a maximum of 8 hours per day. Workers should be provided with at least one day off for every seven-day period. Overtime is voluntary should be compensated at a standard or premium wage.
8. Wages
We respect the workers’ right to earn a living wage and we ensure that wages paid for a normal work week meet at least legal or industry minimum standards - whichever is greater. We do not accept deductions as a disciplinary measure. Wages are paid regularly, on time and in a way that is convenient for the workers. SML expects that its retailers and suppliers adhere to these same standards and confirms that its suppliers and retailers represent they are in compliance with all applicable laws with respect to pay and benefits.
9. Health and Safety
We require that worker safety is a priority at all times. We also expect suppliers and retailers to ensure that workers are protected from hazardous equipment, insufferable surroundings or unsafe premises. The workplace should be safe and hygienic, and the supplier and/or retailer should take effective steps to prevent potential accidents and to minimize health risks as much as possible. Safety awareness should always be a priority and should be understood and implemented daily.
In connection with worker safety is worker well-being, including both physical, mental and emotional wellness. SML expects that its suppliers and retailers take necessary steps to ensure that the mental, physical and emotional well-being of their workers and employees are provided for.
10. Animals
We do not tolerate the maltreatment of animals and animals must be cared for and protected from harm. We do not support the use of any endangered species. We do not support the use of fur and if we are to ever use leather or an animal product such as wool in our products it will be sustainably sourced. SML expects that its retailers and suppliers represent they adhere to these same policies.
11. Environmental Policy
Our environmental and sustainability policy as an organization is tied to SML’s concerns over the impact of humans on living and non-living natural systems, including the ecosystems of land, air and water. In some textile producing regions freshwater and drinking water have become a scarce resource, which often has to do with industrial consumption and waste. We work for more efficiency in the conservation of freshwater. We consider environmental initiatives an integrated part of management planning and we work for continuously improving environmental responsibility. SML confirms that its suppliers and retailers comply with all applicable environmental standards in order to further SML’s mission of reducing environmental impact.
12. Internal Accountability Standards
When non-conformance with the Code for a supplier or retailer is identified, SML will work with the supplier or retailer to identify the cause of the non-compliance and to develop an action plan to assure future compliance. SML believes that this strategy is in the best interest of the supplier or retailer and its employees and customers. Remedial efforts may also include audits or inspections by SML. In the event of continued non-conformance or serious violations of the Code, the SML reserves the right to terminate its business relationship the supplier and/or retailer.
13. Materials
Sustainability considerations should be mandatory for all lifecycle stages when designing a new product. We are 100% committed to reducing negative environmental and social impacts by rethinking every stage of the design process, finding new and improved material and production methods to ensure our products are leaving a negligible impact on the environment. We see the importance of being able to track and measure all parts of the process of a product. From sourcing to the consumer, a product is not only defined by its end use, but also by its root and route to the end customer. We support a strong, well-defined supply chain transparency as a methodology for our suppliers, retailers, and customers to understand how our products come into existence and their social and environmental impacts. We believe that being on the forefront of both national regulations and international standards is important and we will always strive to go above and beyond when it comes to protecting our environment and its people.
A. Materials and fibers
We make all our garments from natural biodegradable fabrics that either come from a sustainable and/or organic source.
SML requires suppliers supply us with a certificate that allows us to determine a given fabric’s organic status. Our suppliers are to always truthfully communicate with us if any of the materials or fibers we choose have synthetic traces within them. They are to be transparent as to the place of manufacture for the fabrics they intend to supply to SML. SML does its utmost to guarantee that the products it provides meet its lofty standards and ambitions.
SML understand that new and more effective methods for achieving sustainability are constantly being developed, including new materials. SML works to stay at the forefront of these methods and experiments with new sustainable materials that use less water consumption and energy.
B. Fabric Dye
If our fabric, dying and printing partners use chemical dyes, SML expects that they use Azo-free dyes. The dyes should be tested to ensure they are safe under local and state law. Further, the excess waste from chemical dying including the excess water should not enter our environment or waterways in anyway. All excess dyes and water-waste should enter a filtration system to either clear all chemicals before disposal or be recycled to be reused.
Natural dyes - We believe that Mother Nature has given us the tools to create without harming her. Thus natural dying uses a natural material: either a plant or herb. This makes it is the most ecofriendly way of producing color. The plants, trees or herbs that we personally utilize in our natural dyeing process are sustainably sourced and we except that our suppliers also use sustainably sourced plants and herbs in their natural dyeing processes. SML also expects that the water used in the natural dying process be reused, recycled or deposited naturally back into the earth.
Not withstanding the foregoing, SML admits that there are certain of our products that are chemically dyed. SML will always be transparent with our customers and retailers as to which products are chemically dyed.
14. Internal Accountability Standards
A copy of this Code will be made available to all retailers and suppliers of SML. It shall be the responsibility of SML’s retailers and suppliers to ensure compliance with the Code and that the retailers and suppliers’ respective employees, workers, and subcontractors comply with the Code.
When non-conformance with the Code for a supplier or retailer is identified, SML will work with the supplier or retailer to identify the cause of the non-compliance and to develop an action plan to assure future compliance. SML believes that this strategy is in the best interest of the supplier or retailer and its employees and customers. Remedial efforts may also include audits or inspections by SML. In the event of continued non-conformance or serious violations of the Code, the SML reserves the right to terminate its business relationship the supplier and/or retailer.